Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Friends Stay in Touch

Today, a friend of mine sent me a nice thing to view. You can view it too at:

Just copy and paste. It has a saying on it that reads, "Your job will not take care of you when you are sick, though I am thankful for the people of our church who are taking care of me. Then, it goes on to say, "Your friends will stay in touch."

How true this is. I can't list the friends who have stayed in touch with me. Some calling from out of the country no less than once a week, a lady in our church who sends me a card weekly, friends that will drive over to Stanford and bring you whatever you need, pictures that people have taken and put into cards, people who from time to time send cards that really have meaning and were well thought out, people who sent me their written prayers, people who came and cleaned our house when we came from the hospital and those who picked up the load at the church, who sent me 3 Griffey posters (eat your heart out boys) and there was much more. Yes, I have been touched by my friends. (The above picture is Dr. Dick and Sherrill Christen serving in Bermuda at the moment).