Saturday, March 7, 2009

Great Technique for Managing Stress

I just returned from Stanford where I was given an update of what the next month was going to look like. I have to be honest and tell you that hearing all of these things and watching Koyce reach for the Kleenex again that I sensed a bit of stress was coming our way. But when I got home, there was in the mailbox a nice card from some good friends of ours over the years, John and Carol Soriano from Oregon. You can see the card above where it speaks of providing a helpful technique for managing stress. It says, “First, get one of those glass snow domes with a happy little snowman and an idyllic, peaceful winter scene.” Then you open the card and it says, “Next, get a hammer.” A great thought to be sure!

On the inside these wonderful people left a note that made my day. It read, “Dear Dave, Hope this brings a smile! (It sure did). Then they wrote the sweetest of notes saying, “We just want you to know you are in our prayers and thoughts during this time. Your influence continues to permeate VBC (Valley Baptist Church) and that is a good thing. Young people continue to grow up in this atmosphere and trust that in time they will continue what you and Koyce started here. Know that you are well remembered in prayers and with much love. Thanks for the updates through your blog. Love John & Carol S.” What great memories. We started a church in Oregon and pastured there for 17 years. Today that work continues to go on and John and Carol and been there probably for 25-30 years now.

Yes, as I drove home yesterday, it seemed like the light at the end of the tunnel was a train. But when I received this encouraging card, it jolted me back into the reality of what they light really is. Thank the Lord for those who are there for all of us and the constant encouragement that they can bring to our lives. And the writer of Hebrews says, “And let us…encourage…each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near” (NLT Hebrews 10:25). So, today I am encouraged!