Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday the Thirteenth

I woke up early on Friday, the thirteenth and opened my computer and here was the first message I read. It said, “Dr. Miller, I have a "weirded out" story to tell you. I woke up early this morning about 3:30 am. And I was talking to the Lord and you came to my mind. I said to Lord how much I appreciated your teaching etc. I got up because I could not sleep, went downstairs and played on the computer. I looked at my e-mail and I got an e-mail from Claudia Greene about your cancer treatment. I was reminded in class you mentioned about the prompting of the Spirit to pray for people. So consider yourself prayed for I considered myself prompted. I've had those experiences before but I like to keep them to myself because frankly some of the people I've talked to about these things say their lifters don't always go to the top. I know I shouldn't be weirded out when God does things but I still am. I believe that God still heals and I'm praying for that. I would send Benny Hinn down your way but you're ready have an injury to your head without giving you another concussion.:) Take care. I'm praying for you, Chuck Cramer.”

Then Chuck wrote, “Here's something else to cheer you up: A Scotsman visited London for his annual holiday and stayed at a large hotel. However, he didnae feel that the natives were friendly. "At 4 o'clock every morning," he told a friend, "they hammered on my bedroom door, one the walls, even on the floor and ceiling. Heck, sometimes they hammered so loud I could hardly hear myself playing the bagpipes.” Goodness, how did Chuck know that I was Scottish?!

By the way, my friend Dick Christen in Bermuda sent me a note and a cartoon. Then under the cartoon, he said, “GOD HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR. Abraham was 100 years old when he and aged wife Sarah gave birth to a son. When God said He was going to give them a baby "Sarah laughed within herself." She thought it quite funny that the "oldsters" would be having a baby. But within that chuckle was an element of disbelief with which the Lord took issue. However, after Isaac was born she had occasion to say, "God has made me laugh, and all who hear will laugh with me" (Genesis 21:6). There's irony here: She laughed wrongly but then God made her laugh. And so, sure enough, to this day we read the story with a chuckle. This miracle birth with its long-term Messianic implications was a serious matter but had a humorous aside. It is healthy to serve the Lord with all seriousness of purpose but we must never forget to smile along the way. Like the antics of a monkey, God has placed instigators of laughter throughout His created order. There is much in life that makes us groan (Romans 8:23) but much also tickles our funny bones. Someone remarked: "We need the enthusiasm of the young. We need their joie de vivre. In it is reflected something of the original joy God had in creating man." Do read Proverbs 8:30, 31.”

Speaking of humor, I received this note from a former student and pastor friend of mine in Sacramento who wrote, “…I checked out your blog—amazingly informative! However, you had to ruin it with all that unnecessary info about Larson and the Yankees beating the Dodgers—remember, I am a So Cal guy and will always bleed Dodger blue (although in too many recent years, we’ve just been bleeding!) Praying for your brother….Gary”

Well back to Friday the 13th, I received several comments on my blog from people. Here are a few excerpts of them. One from our good friend Sherrill Christen, “I love that look like a little boy, David. WE have spent some good times together. lots of memories.especially Palm Springs Ca. Praying, praying....” Someone else wrote, “My prayers are with you during this time. May God continue to give you His Strength, Mercy, Grace, and endurance through this journey in your life. In His Peace; Pete Coulson.”

A friend known as pammycakes who is a dental hygienist from Texas wrote and said, “hi mr. are you.....mighty fine lookin to me in that bed of yours with the bald head..kinda reminds me of my dad!! and i thought the patch looked good too......hey koyce....are you hangin in there??? i am praying for you two....i love you's great to be able to read of your progress and schedules...make sure you use your rotadent david!!! or i might have to come up there and keep your teeth clean for you!!! oooh your own private hygienist!!! love you both......pam” I wrote and told her that in the next couple of weeks, I will be using a baby toothbrush and flossing will not be allowed!

"Nice to see you are still with us. Those were the words of one of my doctors. I've had my own journey these past months also….A college friend called me tonight to remind me he is praying for me. He asked what has changed in me since my sickness. I said it is that I'm more in tune with those who are sick or with those who has family members that are ill. Not that I wasn't before but I'm learning to listen in a different way to them and their story. Dave, the best thing being out of the hospital is that at home no one pokes me for blood! Robert Danielian. Dallas, Oregon.” Bob has gone through much more than I will ever go through and we had our whole church praying for him when he was at the height of his suffering. Thanks Bob for writing.”

Also on Friday the 13th, our son Scott was not afraid to get on a plane and fly down so we could spend some time together and for him to preach for me on Sunday. We had a great time in the afternoon and evening together. And one last thing. At 8:30 AM on Friday the 13th, I got a call from the Senior Case Manager of the Member Case Resolution Center to tell me what they had decided about a letter I had written to them. To understand, here is the background of the call. About a month ago, I went into the Pharmacy to get some drugs and I walked out after putting $4300 on my credit card for one drug, Neupogen. This surprised me a little because three years ago, this was all covered under my Kaiser insurance. However, I changed to Senior Advantage two years ago which included Medicare benefits. Nevertheless, a nurse coordinator had asked me a few months earlier if I had Medicare D because this would make a big difference in what I would be paying. I double checked it and I was covered. So I decided to write a letter and ask a question about my coverage and was told that they would be giving me an answer within 72 hours. So, I picked up the phone Friday morning to receive the verdict and was told that I would be getting a check in the mail for $4300! All I can say is, “Praise the Lord for this blessing and thanks to Kaiser for looking into this and—not a bad day for Friday the 13th!