Monday, January 19, 2009

What Kind of Transplant will this be?

The type of Transplant is called Autologous where David serves as his own donor. What is involved is that his immature hematopoietic (blood) cells, often called stem cells, are collected and stored before he can proceed to the transplant. Once the cells are collected and stored, he will receive a high dose chemotherapy. The purpose of this regimen is to eliminate cancer cells. Following this, David’s cells will be infused and this is his transplant. Then it will take about fourteen days for the cells to begin to produce new mature blood cells. As he begins to make new blood cells, his body will heal and he will begin to feel better. Approximately 30 days following the transplant, if all is going well, David will be able to return home. Recovery from an autologous transplant can take up to six months or more. His hair will begin to regrow in about three months. His taste buds will return to normal in about four months but his energy will remain low for a long period of time. Sounds like fun, uh?