Saturday, June 20, 2009

Getting Close to Coming Back to Church

After my last visit to Stanford and getting a seemingly clean bill of health, I was approved to finally be able to go to church. So, we went the next Sunday where we had a former student of mine and a friend speak at the church. His message was entitled, When God puts you to the test. Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? He began by reading John 6:1 that says, “After this…” But after what? It was sometime after the presentation of John in chapter 5 on the deity of Christ. Here, the speaker, Dr. Roger Martin said that John 5:1-9 Jesus demonstrates Himself to be God, in John 5:17 Jesus claimed to be equal with God, in John 5:18 the Jews seek to kill Jesus for His claim. In John 5:21-27 Jesus’ position as Judge and His authority speaks of His Deity, in John 5:29 the two resurrections speak of His Deity, in John 5:3, John the Baptist spoke of His Deity, in John 5:36 Jesus’ miracles spoke of His Deity, in John 5:37 God the Father spoke of Christ’s Deity, in John 5::39 the Scriptures spoke of Christ.

Why is this important? Roger said, “Because Jesus Christ is the answer to every problem! He will either solve the problem or give you grace to go through it."

Now, in John 6:1-14 there are THREE big problems!

How to feed 5,000 men plus women and children
How to build faith in Philip
How to get unbelievers to believe

Philip’s Problem: The Test Question: Where are we to buy bread that these may eat? (John 6:5)

Philip’s Answer: “200 denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them for everyone to receive a little” (Literally: ‘For everyone to receive one bite)

What About Tests?
Tests are God-given opportunities to discover our competency! (Are we ready for the next assignment?)
Tests are God-ordained challenges to make us stronger! (He knows what we will need for the future)
Tests are God-designed instruments to measure our progress! (Are we continuing to grow?)

For instance, there can be Tests of our:
• Faith
• Gratitude
• Obedience
• Knowledge
• Willingness
• Servanthood
• Boldness/Courage
• Follow-through
• Trust
• Faithfulness
• Availability

Principles to Grasp

God is just as interested in working in you as He is in working through you!
(So anticipate His tests in your life)
If we want to pass the tests God puts in our lives, we must first understand the question!
(So don’t be afraid to focus on the real issues)
Every test from God is an act of His grace because He really cares about you!
(So welcome His tests as a part of His love for you!)

The message was very appropriate to our church and certainly to my situation. We were glad he could be with us. The next Sunday, I preached. It was the first time since February. One of our nurses in the church told me to plan on sitting down during the message. She also noticed how I was walking and she said, “Get a cane.” I said, “They gave me one at Stanford” and she said, “Use it then!” So I am back at church sitting on a chair and using my cane. Thanks for your prayers to be able to be back again with our people.